Every Saturday, the chef goes to a stranger's house and cooks with them using what's in their fridge.
Instagram Homard et cordon bleu
France 3 bretagne
Press coverage
Le journal de Vitré
France bleu Armorique
Programme by Magalie Douarche
Monday 25 April 2022 Le Pont d'Acigné hosts La Fédération des races de Bretagne
Many thanks to all
To the producers: Thierry Lemarchand ( Froment du Léon) , Cédric Briand ( Gwell et produits laitiers de la bretonn), Aurore Vivien ( Chèvres des fossés), Sébastien Vétil (Vache Armoricaine), Victorien Guillaume (Agneau Landes de Bretagne) Hélène Souffran (Vache Nantaise), Antoine Floury ( Agneau de Belle-ïle), Nicolas Supiot (Vache Bretonne Pie Noir), Olivier Renault (Coucou de Rennes) and Camille Le Roux (Porc blanc de l'ouest).
To the chefs: Greg Foucher from the restaurant Le Bercail, Julien Lemarié and his colleague from the restaurant l'Ima, Vincent Guillemot from the restaurant Les Darons and Jeremy Poulain from the restaurant l'AOC Rennes, and to our colleagues Jeremy and Thomas from the Auberge du pont d'Acigné.
Thanks to the Federation for organising this meeting, which was a great moment.
An all-vegetarian buffet. In the presence of Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian.
May 2019